Donkey rescued in Cartagena, Murcia
A few weeks ago our Welfare team were forwarded a post from Diario Animalista circulating on social media, requesting urgent help for a young donkey in Cartagena, now named Camaron, with a massive gaping wound on his neck. The post stated that although the authorities had been called the donkey was still there suffering. We immediately tried to get hold of the newspaper who published the post to find out more and also contacted the Guardia Civil.
Urgent veterinary care
Due to the severity of the wound in the photos we knew Camaron needed immediate veterinary assistance. We contacted local charity AAR (Andrea’s Animal Rescue) and coordinated the rescue. Within an hour we arranged for an equine vet and AAR with their trailer to accompany the police and help this poor donkey. The wound was almost 25 cms in size and so deep that the jugular vein was exposed. Due to the severity of the wound and concerns about potential septicaemia we took him straight to San Vicente de Raspeig hospital in Alicante where he has been receiving top treatment since, likely to spend nearly 4 weeks in hospital to ensure the best recovery possible for him.
The vets state that due to the nature of the wound it looks like it could have been caused by a dog bite.. AAR have since returned to the site and managed to get relinquishment of the other 3 donkeys and 1 horse left there and we organised the equine vet to return and check each of them due to some other concerns about their health. One of the donkeys also has a smaller wound, which similarly appears to be from a possibledog bite.
Camaron is recovering well in hospital, the veterinary team report that he has a sweet character and has even put on over 10 kilos in the couple of weeks he has been with them. Once discharged from hospital he will join the other donkeys at AAR.
How can you help?
We need now to cover 2,700 Euros from hospitalisation and veterinary treatment and your support is much needed. Any contribution is highly appreciated.
Thanks to your support, we are able to provide the highest standard of veterinary care to donkeys in need such as Camaron. We can only continue to rescue and care for donkeys with your help, so please continue to support the work of El Refugio del Burrito, as together, we can make a big difference.
We can only continue to rescue and care for donkeys with your help, so please continue to support the work of El Refugio del Burrito, as together, we can make a big difference.