Ibai rescued from deplorable living conditions
Ibai is one of the latest donkeys we have rescued. He is a 5 year old donkey that was living inside a small, ruined building in a marginal neighbourhood in Adra (Almería’s province). He only had 10 square metres of living space and he hardly ever got fed, so he was approaching starvation. Needless to say he did not get any veterinary attention either. The donkey was used by gypsies to pull a cart with ill-fitting harnessing that has made him sore and wounded in several places.
Thanks to the swift collaboration of local authorities (Adra’s SEPRONA and Local Agriculture Office of La Mojonera’s vet) the rescue ran smoothly. Ibai received immediate veterinary care on site and later on when he arrived at our holding base in Almería, x-ray tests were conducted to check his front legs as he was limping badly.
We want to acknowledge the spotless assistance of authorities in this case, and some other recent ones. We are delighted that everyday more and more Spanish authorities collaborate in such a way with our charity.
Ibai will be living at our Almería holding base, never again to worry about space to live and play, food, care and love. Welcome to our family Ibai.