More than 20 animals close to death in Villanuevas de Algaidas (Malaga)
Last 14th January we were involved in probably the worst case of neglectment of El Refugio del Burrito. We rescued more than 20 equids living amongst waste and dead bodies of other animals. We got the case thanks to an anonymous letter received by post asking for help for those animals.
When the staff arrived a horror movie scene shocked them. 21 equids were living amongst the waste and dead bodies of other animals.
"We went to that place to make an inspection visit and check if the given information was true, but what we found was horrible. Animals were living into a piece of field full of bones, dead bodies, excrement up to our knees. One of the donkeys was very sick, we did everything that we could to help him but unfortunately
he passed away in our hands" says Verónica Sánchez, Director of El Refugio del Burrito.
The surviving animals, 21 equids total (7 donkeys, 7 mules, 3 ponies y 4 horses), were living without water and crammed into dangerous pens made of rusting metal, sharp objects, wire and plastic pieces. There were at least 7 death bodies on the site, from equids and dogs.
Inmediately we called SEPRONA (Spanish Police for Animals and Environment). With the support of the authorities and other animal charities, `ARCH Horse Rescue Spain´ and `Caballos Luna España´, we could moved the animals to a safe place.
Due to the amount of garbage and droppings, the Town Hall of Villanueva de Algaidas even provided an special tractor unit to clean the facilities so we could access to help them. Many of them has panic to humans, which made the recue very difficult. In fact, some horses and mules had to be sedated in order to transport them safely.
The owner was engaged in the illegal trafficking of animals, breeding and selling, without sanitary, hygienic or veterinary control just for lucrative purposes beyond the law. In Spain, this is not an isolated case. In the equine world there are many illegal traffickers and a lack of control (or legal action) against these mafias.
The surviving 14 mules and donkeys are recovering with us. We are going to need a lot of help to rehabilitate and treat all these mules and donkeys. Any contribution will make a huge difference.