A whole decent life ahead: A new foal was born at the Sanctuary
Spring has arrived and with it the birds chirping, longer days and blooming flowers all over our sanctuaries, which means a fresh start as the one of our almost 300 donkeys at the Sanctuaries. With the new season, we have also welcomed a beautiful new foal, who born at our Sanctuary just on the first day of Spring.
But what is interesting here is that the mother of our new guest is Artemisa, a survivor donkey we rescued on the 14th of January, among corpses, in Villanueva de Algaida. The mother was so skinny that we thought she would give birth months later. When we arrived in the morning, they had the surprise to see this new foal. There is no better way to start the day!
It is a satisfaction for us to know that the he has a whole decent happy life ahead of him.
Nothing is more rewarding than carrying our values to the end, which consist in offering a suffering-free life to any animal. This new birth gives us hope and encourages us to keep making efforts.
The new foal, however, doesn’t have a name yet and we are thrilled with all the suggestions you made through social medias. At the end, we will choose the most original name between all the suggestions we received.
Artemisa, as well as the new foal, are both healthy. If you want to meet them, there is no doubt you will be able to see them in their paddock at the end of the week, they are already waiting for your visit!
We can only continue to rescue and care for donkeys with your help, so please continue to support the work of El Refugio del Burrito, as together, we can make a big difference.