Their future, your legacy
Help us be there for them for as long as they need us
There are more than 50 million donkeys and mules around the world. Many of them need protection and special care after a life of suffering.
In Spain there are many cases of abuse and neglect to equine animals and current laws against this type of animal abuse and the enforcement of such laws is almost inexistent. They are left to die of hunger, abandoned, and exploited to death or denigrated in popular ceremonies. It is expected that they will need our help in the next 20, 30 and 40 years to come.
Our actions in the next years will write their future and the future of following generations, and this is why our work is now more important than ever.
Luckily more and more people are committed to defend the most vulnerable and they decide to help us even after they are gone by leaving a legacy towards the Refugio del Burrito in their will. Our work against injustice speaks out loud. Currently, we care of over 200 donkeys at our sanctuaries, we work towards the improvement of their legal protection and aim to expand clinical and expert knowledges about donkey welfare.
Your visible contribution towards the invisible ones
Including the Refugio del Burrito in your will is a great generosity act that will allow you to give back to animals everything that they ever gave to you in life and will guarantee that we will continue to defend them in your name.
El Refugio del Burrito is the biggest sanctuary of equine animals in Spain. We do not receive any type of public subsidy, only the donations from our partners and sponsors. We have been over 20 years fighting for a world free of suffering and for them to be valued in our society as they deserve. You do not need to have a fortune to help nature. Any amount in your will, even the smallest, is important to us.
Every bit counts, and with just a little bit we can do a lot. By including the Refugio del burrito in your will you will be helping us continue our work and your commitment and solidarity with the animals will last in time.
A tree to shelter and protect animals on your name
All the animals that live in our Sanctuary have been rescued from exploitation or abandonment.
We became their home, a place where they can be protected and where they can experience real life. A place where they receive a name and their story will always be remembered.
Thank you to everyone who included us in their will, we are creating green areas with shade for our donkeys, birds and other species from the area. Get in touch with us and inform us if you have included the Refugio del burrito in your will and we will plant a tree on your name.
How to include El Refugio del Burrito in your will
Writing a will is easy, cheap and will help you plan ahead the future and your heritage. You will be able to leave a solidary legacy to the Refugio del Burrito, helping create a better world without harming your heirs.
There are a few options if you wish to include us in your will:
1. If there are not heirs, you can name the Refugio del Burrito your universal heir, giving out all goods, rights and actions.
2. If you wish to hand your legacy to more than one person or place, you can name the Refugio del Burrito as a coparcener, specifying the percentage that will be given to each heir.
3. You can also donate a specific good or amount to the Refugio del Burrito. Writing a will does not compromise you as it can be modified or revoked as many times as you wish and only the very last version will be legal. Every time you mention the Refugio del Burrito you can use the official name: Asociación El Refugio del Burrito, Cortijo Rafaél Sánchez, 58. 29520 Fuente de Piedra, Málaga CIF: G-92455310
If you wish to leave a legacy for the Refugio del Burrito, please send us an email to [email protected] or call our number 952 73 50 77.
El Refugio del Burrito in figures
Our two Sanctuaries, one in Fuente de Piedra (Málaga) and another one in Bodonal de la Sierra (Badajoz), together with our many guardian homes all over the country take care of more than 300 rescued animals, but this is not our only work.
We also expand clinical and expert knowledges about donkeys and work towards the improvement of their legal protection in Spain.
The Refugio del Burrito is a subsidiary association from the international NGO The Donkey Sanctuary that has been working for over 50 years protecting donkeys in more than 36 countries.