Legal requirements for owning donkeys in Spain
Many people often inquire about the legal requirements for owning donkeys in Spain. The code of exploitation (also known as REGA code) for equines or donkeys, called in Spanish “ Código de Explotación Equina o Asnal”, is one of the main legal prerequisites for keeping equids on our property.
The procedures are usually not complicated; they are carried out at the OCA (Comarcal Agrarian Office) in your area, and it is free of charge. To begin, it is advisable to approach the nearest OCA and manage it directly with them.
Some of the legal requirements are as follows:
a) Have appropriate facilities or systems that provide protection against adverse weather conditions and predators. This includes fencing, stables, shelters, shades, etc.
b) The materials used for construction, especially of enclosures and equipment with which the animals may come into contact, must not be harmful to the animals and must be easily cleanable and thoroughly disinfectable.
c) Facilities for housing animals will be constructed and maintained in a manner that eliminates sharp edges or projections that could cause injury to the animals, considering the necessary fencing based on the type of operation, except in the case of extensive operations, pastures, and wild or semi-wild animals.
e) The freedom of movement inherent to the animals will not be restricted in a way that causes unnecessary suffering or harm, taking into account the age and physiological state of the animal.
f) Animals must receive a healthy diet appropriate to their age and species, in sufficient quantity to maintain their good health and meet their nutritional needs. All animals must have access to water in sufficient quantity and quality.
Full detailed official information on obligations and requirements can be found at this link (in Spanish)
If you have any doubt, you can also contact our Welfare team at [email protected]