Colic in donkeys
Colic can be extremely serious and early treatment is vital. Make sure you know the causes and signs so you can act quickly if your donkey becomes ill.
What is colic?
Colic is a symptom of abdominal pain, commonly in the gastrointestinal tract (such as the stomach or intestine). It can also be due to pain in other organs, such as the kidneys, ovaries or bladder.
There are many different kinds of colic, including:
Impaction or blockage of the intestine with partly digested food, foreign bodies (such as plastic bags), or parasites (worms)
Muscle spasms in the wall of the intestine (spasmodic colic)
A build-up of gas (gassy colic)
Torsion (twisting) of part of the intestine (twisted gut)
Painful conditions, such as stomach ulcers, tumours, or pancreatitis.
Severe colic can be fatal. Remember that prevention is always better than cure.
What are the signs of colic?
Due to their stoic nature, donkeys usually show less dramatic signs of colic than those seen in horses. A donkey with colic may simply become dull and unwilling to eat. However, less dramatic signs do not mean the donkey is in less pain.
Signs of colic may include:
Lying down
Lack of appetite or refusing to eat
Weight shifting, usually between the hind legs
Rolling and pawing at the ground (rare in donkeys, can indicate a serious problem
Fast breathing, rapid heart rate
Brick red or pale gums or insides of eyelids
Dry or tacky gums
Lack of, or reduction in, the normal quantity of droppings
Self-isolating or moving away from companions.
How is colic treated?
A vet must treat colic, do not try to treat it yourself.If you suspect colic, call your vet at once and follow their advice.
Your vet may carry out the following to try to diagnose the type of colic:
Checking your donkey's heart rate and temperature
Listening to your donkey's abdomen with a stethoscope to check the gut sounds
Checking your donkey's teeth
Taking a blood sample
Performing a rectal examination
Passing a stomach (nasogastric) tube to check for reflux (backed up food or fluid).
Your vet will decide on the best treatment based on your donkey's diagnosis and are likely to give painkillers. Depending on their findings, your vet may give your donkey fluids via a nasogastric tube or put them on a 'drip' (usually via the large vein in their neck). It may take multiple visits from your vet to treat your donkeys colic.
Your donkey may need to be hospitalised if their case is severe. If your donkey is hospitalised, their companion must go too, as hospitalisation can be very stressful for donkeys. Some types of colic need surgery to resolve them, which will require prompt transport to a hospital.
Surgery carries a high risk in most colic cases and involves considerable nursing care and cost. Check you are insured for the costs and talk to your vet about the chances of success.
Euthanasia may be the kindest option if your donkey's case is serious.
What causes colic, and how can it be prevented?
Colic is so dangerous because by the time your donkey lets you know it has colic, it may be too late to save it. The old adage, 'prevention is better than cure', definitely applies.
Observe your donkey daily, looking for any changes in behaviour. Know what typical dung looks like. Be aware of the average number of piles of droppings your donkeys pass each day and the consistency. Persistently very loose or very dry droppings could be indicative of colic, particularly if other symptoms appear. Check your donkey's breathing pattern so you will be able to spot any change.
Possible causes and management
Feed - sudden changes to diet, poor quality feed, too much grass, feeding cereals:
Make any dietary changes gradually over at least a week, ideally 2-4 weeks
Feed good quality forage and donkey specific proprietary feeds
Avoid mouldy feed
Always soak sugar beet to the manufacturer's recommendations
Feed little and often, especially if your donkey has additional feed
Do not allow your donkey access to too much rich spring grass.
For more information, please see our advice on feeding.
Inadequate or dirty water supply:
Check troughs daily. Self-filling drinkers can become blocked, or the water supply can fail
Clean dirty water containers as donkeys will not drink dirty water
Check water is not frozen or too cold. Many donkeys will not drink very cold water
Offer several sources of water.
Eating non-food items such as plastic bags, rope or bedding:
Ensure your donkeys cannot access non-food items
Change your donkey's bedding to something less palatable, such as wood shavings
Do not use cardboard or paper bedding.
Eating poisonous plants:
Know your poisonous plants and trees
Remove poisonous plants or fence off the problem area
Check pasture, boundary fences and hedgerows frequently
Fence off trees when fruiting to prevent your donkey gorging.
Sandy soil:
Avoid grazing on sandy soil pasture if possible.
Dental disease - failure to chew food adequately resulting in a blockage of the gut:
Have your donkey's teeth checked at least annually by a qualified equine dental technician or vet
Dental disease is more common in older donkeys
Suspect dental problems if donkeys are 'quidding' (dropping part chewed feed) or drooling saliva
Please read our information on donkey dental care.
Parasites - worms causing obstruction or inflammation of the gut:
Arrange regular faecal worm egg counts to check if your donkey needs treating for worms
Speak to your vet for advice
Clear droppings from your donkey's paddock at least twice a week.
Stomach ulcers:
Keep stress to a minimum
Trickle feed' your donkey.
Pain - any painful condition can lead to colic, including severe lameness:
Ensure your donkey has adequate pain relief if they have a painful condition.
You can find more up-to-date information in this link.